Monday, April 23, 2012


    Justin doesn't ever post, so I am going to post for him.  We are always praying that God will bring him new clients.  Friends, and strangers.  People we least expect and anyone he can help find their dream home.  His commission-only income can be very stressful on the family, and especially on him.  Be careful what you wish for.  God has blessed him with so much business!  It is such a good thing, and at the same time, very difficult for our family.  He will go days (sometimes almost a week) without seeing Colt.  He doesn't get to eat all day sometimes and told me that yesterday he made 72 calls from his cell phone, not including his work phone!  No wonder he never wants to talk when he gets home.  He is so tired, and at the same time, Colt and I are tired of not seeing him.
    He has an unbelievable amount of stress, and we are trying to be as supportive as we can be.  Like I said, we prayed for it, and it is a HUGE blessing, but it can be very difficult for out little family too.  All that said, we are VERY proud of him!

Of corse, just a few pics!


     Hallelujah!  He is risen.  This year was the first time in a long time that I felt I was able to truly reflect on what happened on Good Friday and Easter.  We are so blessed to know God and to have our faith.  We were able to spend time with everyone on Easter too!   We started with an Easter egg hunt at Ovid with Dad, Delaine, Maddie and Kaleb.  It was Colt's first hunt, so he wasn't too sure about it.  He did not want to put his eggs in the basket!  But he loved playing in the bucket where everyone threw their empty eggs.

  On Sunday, we went to church with my mom and then to Chuck and Sue's to do a mini celebration. We opened Easter baskets with Josh and Beth and Chuck hid eggs in the yard for Colt. Sue bought him eggs that were basketballs, soccer balls and footballs. He LOVED them. But instead of putting them in his basket, he went to the basketball goal and tried to shoot them :). 

                                                           Mickey Mouse Underwear!

 Next we went to my aunt and uncles. My Aunt and Uncle moved home from the Ukraine this year, so we were able to have Easter at their house, which is where we had all of our family get togethers growing up. It was so much fun to walk around the house again and reminisce. They have been gone for 15 years. We had a HUGE meal and then the kids got to do another Easter egg hunt. Colt was starting to get the hang of it this time and even collected a pine cone! It is so much fun to watch him with Allie. They are just 6 months apart, and he kept trying to give her hugs and kisses.
   For dinner, we headed to my mom's. They had a neighborhood egg hunt. Colt was on a mission. He was fast and furious and his basket was so full he couldn't keep all the eggs in. Chuck, Sue, Josh, Beth and my grandparents and Great-Grandma Helen came over for dinner. And Colt got even more fun stuff.
It was a great day. It is so much fun to watch Colt grow up and enjoy holidays. We are so thankful that we live close enough to everyone that we can see everybody on Easter.

Sold and homeless

Sold!  We sold our house in 9 days!  Putting the house up for sale was something we prayed about for a long time.  We wanted to move and be closer to family, but we absolutely loved our neighbors.  Not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with amazing neighbors.  When we said our goodbyes, I couldn't even talk I was crying so hard.  We truly loved each one of them, but knew it was the right decision.  Since we sold the house so quickly, we didn't have a chance to find a new place.  We had lots of offers, but came the conclusion that my mom's house had the most room, and we decided to move in with her temporarily.  We are all adjusting really well and LOVING that we can visit all of our parents and grandparents within a few minutes.