Sunday was Mother's Day and Colt's dedication at church. What a wonderful day! We have been wanting to dedicate Colt since he was born, but wanted all of our family to be able to be there. We are so blessed to have so many parents and grandparents that love us and Colt. We all got there early because we had 20 seats to save! We got a few dirty looks, but that's ok :) After church we had all the families back to our house to thank them and celebrate Mother's Day. My mom brought me a Hydrangea plant- which is what I used to get her for Mother's Day. Sue also brought me a plant for our table and Dad and Delaine got me a baby book for Colt. We also got a Bible for Colt and a life vest for lake time this summer. But the best gift was from Justin and Colt. Two weeks ago, Justin and Colt went to the Shane Co. and picked out a ring for me. It was perfect!! A while ago, my mom told me Mother's Day was the most important holiday to her because being a mom was so important to her. I didn't fully understand that until now. Mother's Day is so amazing. I absolutely love being a mom and I am so thankful for a husband and a son who love me. What a perfect Mother's Day- surrounded by people we love and dedicating my life to raising Colt to love Jesus.

Colt's dedication
Happy Mother's Day
All the ladies
And the men
My present from Colt and Justin. Pink sapphires (Colt's birthstone) and diamonds
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