Every year we go to the state fair with my dad's family. This year they were going to take Colt without me because I had to work. I was so upset that I would miss our family time together and wouldn't be able to see Colt hanging out with his cousins. But... I got off work, so I got to go! My dad, Delaine, Karri, Maddie, Kaleb, Colt and I spent most of the day at the fair. We started at the Riley Family Fun Park. The kids planted food and got to feed some animals. After that Kaleb wanted to see the John Deer tractors, so we spent some time walking around and climbing on them. He also wanted to see the fish in the DNR building. It was so cute... he walked around pointing to the fish like Vana White. Maddie was a big helper the whole day and she waited so patiently to get her funnel cake. Colt's favorite part was playing in the hot tubs. He kicked and splashed until he was soaking wet. It was an amazing day and I feel so blessed to have such an awesome family and memories to last a lifetime. Thanks Dad and Delaine!

College Grads
Loving the Corn
Maddie helping Kaleb
Colt, Kaleb and Maddie loving the John Deer tractors
Colt's favorite part- HOT TUBS!
Kaleb being Vana White... he was in Heaven!
Maddie and Kaleb
Dad, Colt and Aunt Karri
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