The weather was so nice outside and Justin didn't have to show homes, so we went for a walk as a family. Some days I wish we had more space and didn't live in a neighborhood, but on a day like this, I was so thankful. It took us 5 minutes to walk to our neighborhood park and it was so much fun. Justin was like a kid in a candy store. He wanted to get Colt out of the stroller right away and swing with him and take him down the slide. It was so cute to see how much fun they were having. I am so glad we had to winter for him to stay healthy indoors and now that it is spring time he is old enough to enjoy looking around outside. Here's a few pics from our wonderful day. Oh- by the way- Justin said it was one of the best days of his life. Quote "This is what I thought of when I thought of being a dad." This is a big step for Justin- who is serious about 1% of the time! :) There will also be some pics at the bottom of Colt watching t.v. I put on cartoons-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse- for the first time yesterday and he was mesmerized! So funny.

Going too fast down the slide!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
I just noticed his giraffe! My nephew Jackson has that same one and he LOVES it--it's his Sophie:)