I kept thinking there was nothing to blog about, but then I remembered all the new things Colt is doing. A few weeks ago he started to hold his bottle while he eats- it is so cute. He still needs a little help, but he is doing so well. He is reaching for everything! I put him on the dryer in his bumbo while I did some laundry. I seriously left the room for 5 seconds to get something else and when I came back he was holding a spray paint can!! I screamed and that only scared him- but don't worry- that didn't stop him. While I was getting ready I sat him on the counter to play while I did my makeup. Within a few seconds, he was grabbing my makeup bag, a bottle of vitamins and then about fell out of his Bumbo trying to reach the soap bottle! I know things will only get crazier :) We also are starting a new schedule today. We are switching to longer time between feedings and one less nap a day. Wish us luck! I'll post a few pics and some videos too :)

Just trying on my easter outift... what do you think?
love to eat toys while I do tummy time
Nana and Maddie and Kaleb came to visit!
3 kids in 1 picture = lots of tries to get these :)
watching t.v. in the morning
he is ferocious when he wants to put something in his mouth
Justin and I argue over who gets to go get him out of bed in the morning. Wouldn't you argue over it too if this is what you woke up to?! He is so awesome!
He looks so cute in his Easter outfit!