Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One exciting day

We started Colt on a schedule last week and he is starting to get the hang of it.  We play for about an hour or hour and a half after he eats and then he gets to nap for an hour and a half.  To try to wake him up, I change his diaper- which definitely works!  I usually change him wherever I can since his bedroom is upstairs.  So today, I laid him on the couch and thought to myself how lucky I was that he hasn't peed/pooped on me while I am changing him.  I considered myself especially lucky because his bowel movements are very explosive.  I pulled out his dirty diaper and just as I was getting ready to put the clean one under him, he EXPLODED!  Not only did he explode about a foot and a half on the couch, but my leg and pants were covered too. I have to put a picture, because there is no other way to describe it so close your eyes if you have a weak stomach...

so.. as I started to try to clean this up, he proceeded to pee everywhere!  All over my phone, the remote control, the couch... you get the idea.  I got him to the bathroom and gave him a bath, only to have him finish peeing all over once his bath was over.  He always has hated baths.  So, the screaming in the bathtub wore him out and he took a nap.  While he was napping, I decided to give Winston a bath.  He was SMELLY!  Winston is very funny and likes to be blow dried after his baths- so I was drying him when I noticed... FLEAS!!!  Are you kidding me?!?!?  So we went to the pet store and bought all kinds of flea stuff.  Only in my house would all of this happen in a 4 hour time frame!  But you can't help but just laugh at all that craziness.  Happy Tuesday :)

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