Saturday, December 11, 2010

Free at last

Thursday was a very busy day for us!  I had my 6 week check-up and Colt had an appointment with his surgeon- Dr. Bilmire.  We thought while we were at Riley, we would visit all of our friends!  We got to see all the Child Life girls and then made our way to see SANTA!  Rena and Heather- the "head honchos" in the Cheer Guild made sure Colt got to meet Santa and get his picture taken!  Then we were off to his appointment.  They were running a little late (1 1/2 hours late!)-- but... Dr. Bilmire said he looked great and said she didn't need to see him anymore!  She thought his scar was looking great and he was growing very fast!  She also said I was looking much better since the last time we saw each other.  Apparently I wasn't hiding my stress and sadness too well.  After his appointment, we went to the PICU to see all my nurses.  It was so nice to see them.  Just as we were getting ready to leave, we ran in to one of my favorite patients.  He asked if he could hold Colt- of corse!  It was so cute.  He was so happy to see us and I was so happy to see him. 

Afer that we fought horrible traffic to go out for our friend Renee's birthday (it was a surprise!).  Then... Colt and I went to see Mommy Ri (my mom) in her Christmas play.  She did a great job and Colt loved listening to her sing. It was a long day, but it was so good to see so many amazing people. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a joy to hear Colt's doing so well and absolutely loved seeing you both twice in one week! Thanks for your Christmas card today. Have a wonderful holiday!
