Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

      This Thanksgiving Justin and I decided instead of going from house to house, we would invite all of our families to our house and stay in all day!  Our neighbor gave us a turkey and everyone said they would bring a side, so we thought, what better time than now?!  Keaton is home from Chicago and staying with us, so we go to hang out all day (and have been staying up late at night talking). 
    My grandma Wooden couldn't come to our house, so Keaton, Colt and I went to her Thanksgiving, while Justin cleaned the house.  When we got back, we relaxed and then Justin and I went for a run!  Never in my life have I had enough time on Thanksgiving to take a half hour and run.  It was the most amazing feeling!
    We had dinner with 10 of our favorite people (but we missed Grandma Baker, Grandma Helen, Grandma Wooden and Grandpa Strange).  Justin and I felt SO blessed to be able to have OUR families at OUR house and to be able to just enjoy the day instead of run around. 
    My dad told us a story about a guy that works for him.  The man at the gas station told the guy how crappy it was that he had to work on Thanksgiving.  And the man replied, "I think it's great!  I'm not in jail like I was 2 years ago.  I'm not on a psychiatric ward like I was 1 year ago.  And I'm not living in a dumpster like I was 6 months ago."  How often we take for granted the little things, like heat, a job and freedom.  Today, I am thankful for my family, my house, my faith, my church, my friends, Justin's job and his ability to provide so I can stay home with Colt and a million other things. 
    Thanks everyone for making this such a special Thanksgiving for us.  We love you all!

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