Sunday, January 23, 2011

so much...

A lot has been happening and I keep forgetting to update!  Colt has been laughing so much lately.  He is such a happy baby.  He has been noticing the camera too and just stares at it when I bring it out, so I have only caught it on camera once, but I can't get it on here yet!  UGH- if only I was better with technology. 
He loves to see daddy and mommy in the morning- he just smiles and smiles at us- so we just lay in bed and smile at each other for at least 30 minutes every morning.  That time with him each morning is my most treasured memory of us together. 
He also got his first set of shots last week.  I was so nervous!  When we got back to the room I went to get his pacifier (it worked really well as a distraction in the NICU- and OBVIOUSLY I love distraction!).  As I reached for the pacifier- the nurse proceeded to tell me it wouldn't work anyway so I might as well just forget it!  I wanted to punch her in the face.  So I got it out anyway- because I am stubborn and I knew better.  She then gave me about 15 instructions- none of which helped the situation- and then made me hold him still while she gave him the shot.  He screamed and cried for about 15 minutes, but then he did so well.  He never got a fever and never cried from pain.  I was such a proud mommy!
He is starting to get more and more interested in toys that are around him.  He is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings.  He isn't eating as fast anymore because he is so interested in looking around.  We work on tummy time everyday (several times a day) but he hasn't rolled over yet, but with a little help, he can do it. 
Well- that is all for now.  We are going to try to put him in his crib tonight- so say a little prayer that he likes it!  I really don't want to start all over with his sleep schedule (right now he sleeps 8 hours at a time every night and then goes back down for another 3 hours!)

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