Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Changes are coming

So, Justin and I met with a financial advisor a few weeks ago and realized that we really need to start planning for our retirement.  I'm only 25 and Justin is 28 and we already knew we needed to start putting money away, but I wasn't ready to look at the facts.  I just wanted to stay home with Colt and put off the inevitable.  In the mean time, my old job at ABC has been asking me to consider coming back to work there.  At the same time, while God has continued to bless us, Justin was feeling the pressure of being the sole provider.  So after a lot of prayer and support from family, we decided that I would go back to work on a supplemental basis.  I can so no whenever I want with no explanation needed.  We decided it was the best possible option for our family.  I am really sad, but at the same time, excited for Justin and Colt to have a daddy/son day and then have one of our parents come on the other days.
In other news, Colt made some big leaps this week.  On Sunday I was playing with Colt and realized he was starting to sit by himself.  By today, he is able to sit unassisted for a few seconds.  He is so proud of himself and we are so excited to watch him grow.  Here is a pic of him sitting on the couch watching Winston yesterday.  Don't worry- I didn't leave him unattended!  So cute!

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