Friday, April 29, 2011

Half Birthday

Colt turned 6 months old yesterday!  I remember sitting with Justin in the living room when we first brought him home and saying "Can you even imagine how different our life will be when he is 6 months old?  That seems like forever away." Wow- time flies!  And as I look back on it, I can't believe how different our life is.  Colt is so awesome and being a parent is the most amazing thing I could ever imagine. 
Colt's favorite things....
-playing with Winston.  Colt will fall out of my lap reaching for Winston.  I try to get Winston to just lay there and let Colt pet him, but Colt will stick his hands in his mouth until Winston licks him.
-talking.  Colt talks all the time.  Yesterday he started using consonants for the first time.  He said dadada  a few times.  But not to Justin- that would be too much for me to handle.  Just random babbling.
-scooting.  Colt kicks, scoots and rolls his way all over the house. 
-sitting up.  He can sit unassisted for up to 10 seconds.  He does really well if he is reaching for something- like a new toy or a new person.
-eating.  Colt started rice cereal a few days ago and he is doing so well. 
-his giraffe.  He loves his toy giraffe.  He hugs it and uses it as a teething toy.
-the shape sorter.  I don't know why, because he doesn't put the shapes in, but he loves to just hit it over and over.
-peek-a-boo.  He thinks it is so funny.  When I put a towel on his face, he will pull it off and laugh at himself.
-being naked.  This kid loves having his clothes off.  As soon as I start to undress him he starts kicking his legs and going crazy.  He also talks and moves more when he is naked.  Hopefully this only lasts a short time!  It's not quite as cute when they get older.
-jumperoo.  he could jump for hours if I would let him.
Happy 6 month birthday Colt.  Mommy and Daddy love you!

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