Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Boy

    Colt turned 7 months last week and all the sudden he is a new kid.  He is much more opinionated, more feisty and (on the good side) more interactive.  His teeth are really close to coming in, so that has definitely changed things.  He also became very clingy to me all the sudden.  He cries when I leave to go running, or put him down on the floor.  If I am in the room and someone else is holding him, he is not happy. 
    He also is much more awnry.  He really wants to play with Winston's toys.  He army crawls as fast as he can to them and tries to put them in his mouth.  I was warming up his bottle the other day and noticed I couldn't see him anymore.  When I came around the corner, he had Winston's bone in his mouth!   Justin stayed home with him the other day and could not help but laugh at how rotten he has become.  He would crawl to Winston's toys and Justin would have to turn him around the other way.  As soon as Justin would walk away, Colt would crawl back to Winston's toys as fast as he could.  And when he was about a foot away from them, he would turn around and see if Justin was watching!
    We also had another check up with the doctor this week.  She was pleased with his growth and thought he was really making up a lot of ground developmentally.  Here are the stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 14 ounces  9%tile
Height:  27.8 inches  75%tile
     A few other tidbits of information.  Colt loves carrots and green beans.  He loves to pull Winston's hair- and thank goodness Winston is a good boy and he just lets him do it!  He sits up by himself and has sat in a high chair a few times when we are out to eat.  He loves his daddy and thinks he is so funny.  Sophie the giraffe is still his favorite toy.  He LOVES to hold on to my fingers and walk everywhere.
Dinner at Anderson Speedway for Dixie

Wagon ride

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