Monday, September 10, 2012


   We went to Canada again, but this time we all got to go together!  We stopped halfway up because Colt was so sick we thought about turning around, but we were determined to get there and relax.  We were really glad we made the trip.  Colt just needed some fresh air and antibiotics to feel better. 
    Justin and Grandpa got to fish a lot, while Grandma, Colt and I stayed in the cabin.  However, Colt is getting much more adventurous and does not want to stay inside.  He asked to throw rocks in the water at least 5 times a day.  He also would ask to go to "Canada" which is apparently what he thought the gray cabin was called!  He loved to sit on the deck and look for animals.  That deck is where we saw the bears a few years ago and we saw a ton of geese this year.  It's my mom's favorite spot on the island too!
    He rode in the boat a few times, but for the most part, he just wanted to walk around the island and throw rocks.  One time we went to throw rocks and found a baby frog.  I was too scared to pick it up, so we just watched it. I thought it was hiding from me, so I just left him alone.  Justin and my grandpa came to pick Colt up and take him on a boat ride.  As I waded out in to the water to put Colt in the boat, I saw something moving... a SNAKE!  And it had our baby frog in it's mouth!  I could not believe we were that close to a water snake and I didn't even realize it.  AH!  Of course, Justin and Colt came back to look for it, but it was gone.  Just a good reminder that it is all wilderness up there!
    Colt also was quite the character at dinner time.  He wasn't feeling all that well, so he wasn't eating well, but he was a pistol.  Grandma doesn't let anyone leave the table until they try the food, and Colt is no exception.  Well, our little guy decided to hide his veggies under his plate when no one was looking! We are in serious trouble.  And finally, Colt decided he wanted to climb the ladder to the loft int he cabin.  And he climbed all the way to the top with no help.  Just a little scary! 
Throwing rocks

Playing playdoh

His favorite spot on the deck

Looking for geese

Catching some fish

He really wanted Canada Dry

Daddy's shoes
Grandpa taking a nap and Colt and I snuggling

Saying goodbye to the rocks!

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