Monday, March 7, 2011

4 month check-up

Justin and I took Colt to see Dr. Moreland today for Colt's 4 month check-up.  Here are the stats:
 Head Circum: 16.1 "- 20th %tile
Height: 25.5" - 73rd %tile
Weight: 12.4 lbs -7th %tile
So... Dr. Moreland said he hasn't lost any weight, but he definitely isn't gaining enough.  She wanted to see him again in a month instead of 2 months to reassess his weight.  She said if he dips below 7% or doesn't show some gain, then we will run some tests to see if he has an underlying condition.  She thought he was doing well overall and didn't think his lack of weight gain had anything to do with his surgery.  Still, I couldn't help but worry and get sad.  I told her how often and how much he eats, and she thought I may not be producing enough milk, but for now she wasn't too worried.  So- say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that he gains some weight before his next visit.
On the good side, she said his is doing great developmentally!  He is so alert and aware of everything and grabs at anything in front of him.  She said he is doing great standing up and sitting- although when he sits, he falls forward a little bit.  She said in the next few months he should be sitting up unassisted and then we can start feeding him baby food :)

On the very hppy side, Colt just rolled from his back to his stomach and then from his stomach to his back!  It was his first time rolling all the way over.  And the even better news is that Justin came home early, so he got to see it too!


  1. Awww, he is so cute. Sounds like you are doing all the things you should be doing. Please don't doubt yourself. If it would be helpful, you can always contact the lactation nurse at any of the hospitals for reassurance while breast feeding. If anything, you will feel MUCH support.
    Love you! The DeMarco's

  2. He's a cutie! So fun that you both got to see him roll completely over for his first time! :)
