Thursday, March 17, 2011

Only in Our House

Let's just get caught up.  Winston has been pretty good since his surgery.  They said we could take the cone off after 7-10 days, so we have been giving him trial runs with it off while we are home to see how he would do- and he has done really well.  I let him go to the bathroom without a leash yesterday- big mistake.  He ran away.  Thankfully it was our neighbors that Justin went to high school with.  I said sorry and told them he had just been neutered, which is why he has a dumb cone on his head and joked about how that was supposed to calm him down.  So today, I had to run to the grocery, so I thought, I will give Winston a chance without his cone on- it's been 7 days- why not.  Again- big mistake.  I was gone for 45 minutes... that's it... 45 minutes!  When I came home, I saw he had been licking his legs until they were almost bleeding.  I yelled at him, and he tried to hide from me- I won that battle.  Then I decided to see if he had licked his stitches (they said it would be $150 if he ripped them out and they had to be replaced).  Well, guess what?  Of course he licked them.... he's Winston.  They were bleeding!  UGH!!!!!  I shoved the cone back on his head and decided I would get over it.  Then, I thought to myself, I think I smell something.  Oh yea- he pooped on our new carpet!  Seriously... only in our house.
On the Colt front, we are still fighting out cold- which has now been given to both Justin and I.  We have been trying to get his weight up still, but don't have an appointment for a while, so we aren't sure how much he weighs.  Well, on a trip to Wal-Mart last week, Justin mentioned we could weigh him in the fruit scale.  I thought that was a great idea!  Justin was mortified and refused to be any part of it.  Meanwhile, I unbuckled Colt out of his seat and sat him on the scale.  Only 2 people laughed at me :).  Then, the rest of the way through the grocery, Justin wanted to know how much he weighed.  I said too bad, you said you didn't want any part of it. :)
Of course, I'll post some pics.  We went to see some of my grandparents yesterday and we are celebrating St. Patrick's day and a BUTLER WIN today!!!!  Enjoy!
Great Grandmama

Great Grandpapa

Great Great Grandma Helen

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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