Thursday, March 24, 2011

Proud mama

Colt got his 2nd round of shots today- yes- we are a little behind, but he did awesome.  He did well last time, but I didn't want to get ahead of myself.  And we will see how tomorrow goes, but for now, he is awesome.  I am so proud of him.  I am positive it was harder on me than him. 
On the bad side, I had another annoying encounter with the staff there.  I asked my nurse (who was much nicer than the last time) about seperating his MMR shot.  She told me the man who did the research had been proven wrong and that the U.S. doesn't even manufacture the shot seperately anymore, so it isn't even an option.  I stopped myself from letting her know the real facts.  I heard about the Dr. who did the research, but the issue I have with it is not the reserach, but the first hand accounts I have seen.  Second, she lied to me!  The shot is manufactured seperately- my doctor just told me at our last visit that they would give it seperately.  I am not dumb... thanks. 
Anyway, now that I am done ranting :) Colt is growing everyday.  I can't wait to see how much he weighs at his next visit.  He loves to play with his feet- and suck on his toes (watch the video).  Justin is so busy.  God continues to bring people into his life that need to buy homes.  On the bad side, we owe a ton in taxes- the joys of being self-employed.  But we are confident that God will continue to provide for us.  Thanks everyone for the prayers and love. Enjoy some pics and a few videos!
pulling on Dad's face

So nice outside!
Enjoy the last nice day
Yep... I love to eat my feet
This is my life... lots of talking

1 comment:

  1. Please don't argue with the nurses! Haven't you seen Seinfeld... I am certain they are putting notes on Colt's permanent record. It reads... "cantankerous mother watch your back with this woman..." Poor Colt. I hope he can steal these and expunge the comments later in life.

    Love Dad
